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DC-DC Converter:


Max Input Voltage [V]:

Ioutmax [mA]:

Output Voltages:


DC-DC ConverterTopologyMax Input Voltage [V]Ioutmax [mA]Output VoltagesHousingDatasheetPart No.Description
up to 600mA synchron 2.0 - 6.0 500 1.2 SOT-25 PDF UC3655G-12-AF5-R Very High Efficiency 92%, fosc = 1.3MHz, PWM / PFM switching control, Maximum Duty Ratio is 100%
up to 600mA synchron 2.0 - 6.0 500 2.8 SOT-25 PDF UC3655G-28-AF5-R Very High Efficiency 92%, fosc = 1.3MHz, PWM / PFM switching control, Maximum Duty Ratio is 100%
up to 600mA synchron 2.0 - 6.0 500 3.3 SOT-25 PDF UC3655G-33-AF5-R Very High Efficiency 92%, fosc = 1.3MHz, PWM / PFM switching control, Maximum Duty Ratio is 100%
up to 600mA synchron 2.0 - 6.0 500 3.8 SOT-25 PDF UC3655G-38-AF5-R Very High Efficiency 92%, fosc = 1.3MHz, PWM / PFM switching control, Maximum Duty Ratio is 100%
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 5.5 1000 adjustable output type DFN3030-10 PDF UC3666G-K10-3030-R fosc = 1.6MHz, Current mode operation, Fixed frequency operation, VREF = 0.6V allows low output voltages
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 5.5 1000 adjustable output type SOT-25 PDF UC3656G-AF5-R fosc = 1.6MHz, Stand-by Current: 1μA (Max.)
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 6.0 1000 adjustable output type SOT-25 PDF UD05104AG-AF5-R fosc = 1MHz, Low Iq = 30µA, 0.1μA Shutdown Current, Built-in 170mΩ/150mΩ Power Switch
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 6.0 1000 adjustable output type SOT-25 PDF UD05104G-AF5-R fosc = 2.25MHz, Low Quiescent Current of 30µA, 0.1μA Shutdown Current, Built-in 170mΩ/150mΩ Power Switch
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 5.5 2000 adjustable output type HSOP-8 PDF UD05206G-SH2-R fosc = 1.5MHz, Current Mode Operation, Low-RDS(ON) Internal Power MOSFETs, Shutdown Current < 1μA
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.8 - 5.5 2000 adjustable output type HSOP-8 PDF UD05306G-SH2-R program. frequency: 300kHz-2MHz, VREF = 0.8V allows Low Output Voltage, Low RDS (ON) Mosfet
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.8 - 5.5 2000 adjustable output type DFN3030-10 PDF UD05306G-K10-3030-R program. frequency: 300kHz-2MHz, VREF = 0.8V allows Low Output Voltage, Low RDS (ON) Mosfet
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 5.5 2000 adjustable SOT-25 PDF UD05205G-AF5-R 150/120mΩ Power MOSFET, fosc = 1.5Mhz, Vout adjustable from 1V to VIN
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 6.0 2000 adjustable SOT-25 PDF UD052012G-AF5-R VREF = 0.6V, Low RDS(ON): 140/90 mΩ, fosc = 1MHz
1000mA to 2000mA synchron 2.5 - 6.0 2000 adjustable SOT-26 PDF UD052013G-AG6-R VREF = 0.6V, Low RDS(ON): 140/90 mΩ, fosc = 1MHz
up to 600mA asynchron 3.3 - 36 600 adjustable SOT-26 PDF UD36061G-AG6-R 500mΩ Internal Power MOSFETs, Iq = 230μA, fosc = 2MHz fixed frequency
1200 to 1500mA asynchron 4.5 - 32 1200 adjustable SOT-26 PDF UD32121G-AG6-R 0.35Ω Internal Power MOSFETs, fosc = 1.4MHz, Vout = 0.81V to 15V
1200 to 1500mA asynchron 4.5 - 24 1200 adjustable SOT-26 PDF UD24121G-AG6-R 0.35Ω Internal Power MOSFETs, fosc = 1.4MHz, Vout = 0.81V to 15V
1200 to 1500mA asynchron 4.5 - 24 1500 adjustable SOT-89-5 PDF P1595G-AB5-R Vout = 0.75V - 22V, Vout accuracy = 3%, fosc = 200KHZ, Built-In Switching Transistor
2000mA to 3000mA asynchron 4.5 - 24 2000 adjustable SOT-26 PDF UD24202G-AG6-R 0.35Ω Internal Power MOSFETs, fosc = 1.4MHz, Vout = 0.83V to 5.81V
2000mA to 3000mA asynchron 3.6 - 23 2000 adjustable SOP-8 PDF P1785G-S08-R w. P-channel MOS included, Vout = 0.8V to VCC, fosc = 300KHz typ.